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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0193c38a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  152KB  |  460x364  |  8-bit (242 colors)
Labels: flag | grandstand | monitor | poster | sky | skyscraper | tree | window | windowpane
OCR: LEADING 30-YEAR ADJUSTABLE-RATE MORTGAGES batoar Uifetiae Reglor Inatitutfon Atianta NationsBanc Morigagy 5.00 .20 1.75 $537 11.00% 404-995-3150 Baltinior Frst Adrantapotease 4.50 2.75 FOT 10.50 410-995-0710 Boston Morter Morteane 4.75 20 2.00 522 10.75 617.871 4307 Chicago Nornes 4.25 15 20 2.50 492 10.25 708-953-9292 Clavoland Fet Murage 5.00 15 1.50 E37 11.00 216-542-3113 Dallas Fot WortaMert 4.38 10. 3.00 66t 10.35 214-233-3722 Deaver Marand NaionaMorage 4.50 2.75 507 10.50 303.322-7850 Detroit DetroitSaving sBank 4.13 T0 2.13 11.88 313-961 -7600 Houston Fame HoreStires 5.33 T 1.00 544 11.13 713-270-3700 Las Angole AnencanCommetoellor.gage 4.25 10 2.00 492 11.25 714-532-7766 Miarnt First Finanealof Baston 4.38 10 2.00 499 10.38 305-371 3044 Minneapolis EastemHegF StatE Bank 4.25 20 3.0 ...